Service Planning & Service Standards

We assist organisations understand their clients and wider community when developing service plans and we provide tools to help develop and manage those relationships.

Major changes have occurred and continue to occur in Australia as to how human services are to be provided with the emphasis on the Client having greater choice and control over what they receive, when they receive it and what they are prepared to invest in the service. So, it is critical that there is an ongoing understanding of clients both present and future; their needs and expectations and importantly how they define service value. We can help convert client feedback into positive service improvements.

Organisations have to focus on the fact that it is their offerings (products/services) that will be competing in the marketplace. Clients will select offerings that offer them the highest perceived value.

Getting the service delivery model balanced to achieve value to the clients as well as developing the business is critical in achieving sustainability.

Organisations need to understand how they are perceived in the wider community and should have strategies as to how they best connect with this wider community. For example, are you a good corporate citizen, what skills do you have that could benefit the community? We have experience in community engagement and community development activities. Our experience in social planning could assist in better understanding and connecting with communities.

Service Planning

  1. Clarify who your clients are, present and future.
  2. Understanding and engaging with the broader community
  3. Understanding what the client’s value
  4. Developing service catchments profiles.

Service Standards

  1. Identify the service regulations & service standards for each service being offered.
  2. Developing a risk management system to monitor performance against standards.
  3. Developing systems for a ‘line of site’ governance program for service standards.

Specific services

Calibrations Consulting offers the following services under service planning & service standards